Welcome words

1. Introduction

Ghrelin, produced mainly in the stomach, is an appetite stimulating hormone, an powerful orexigenic bio-molecule; i.e. it triggers the need for food, our appetite. It has been discovered in 1999 by Japanese scientists, but largely spread-out by British groups, and so then it has been a quite important piece for taking in the workings of feeding patterns and behaviors.

Ghrelin is an amino acid peptide, related to growth hormone, which is secreted primarily in the stomach but is found throughout the gastrointestinal system and even in the hypothalamus and amygdala, among other sites, such as the heart and pancreas. Some claims that the name comes from Growth Hormone releasing, by shorting and gathering, we encounter ghrelin. But exactly how ghrelin exerts its effect is not clear, neither how it is produced, e.g. the complete profile for triggering ghrelin activation and inhibition.

2. The complex process of eating

We can say that eating is one of the simplest activities, it is not necessary being an Einstein for eating with style. Nonetheless, within the body, it is a quite complex process, maybe amongst the most complex ones, given that we are still try to understand it properly for treating medical conditions such as obesity.

Ghrelin receptors in the brain

Ghrelin receptors in the brain
This picture presents the ghrelin receptors in the brain. Source: Nelson and Cox (2004, p.912)

Ghrelin mathematical model (current)

Ghrelin mathematical model (current)
This is the current model for ghrelin


This is the general picture of what is chased

Future works

Future works

Likely not for now

- Image processing;

Hypothesized relationship between ghrelin and tastants

Hypothesized relationship between ghrelin and tastants
Hypothesized relationship between ghrelin and tastants. See https://www.researchgate.net/publication/281683781_Taste_and_the_regulation_of_food_intake_It%27s_not_just_about_flavor/reviews/168301


Below are the posts, organized in order of publication, FPLS (First Published, Last Shown)

Monday, November 30, 2015

Ghrelin as an appetite and homeostasis regulator: a review for a mathematical model (on the board)

Ghrelin as an appetite and homeostasis regulator: a review for a mathematical model
Aims. This document has two foremost purposes: 1) produce a (biased) mini-review on ghrelin as an orexigenic hormone; and 2) lay down three potential laws for the ghrelin dynamics. The two aims should serves well an ongoing mathematical model for ghrelin dynamics.
Methods. It was applied two methods: 1) a systematic literature review for leptin and ghrelin. In parallel, it was as well searched other hormones, e.g. cholecystokinin and glucagon; and 2) “blackboard” (talks and discussions) dialogs. After a considerable literature was reviewed, it was chosen about five papers. The selection was done mainly guided by two criteria: 1) the paper lay down important results about ghrelin for the mathematical modeling; 2) the paper had a “high number” of citations; the number of citations was judged qualitatively.
Results. Three laws can be laid down for ghrelin dynamics: 1. Ghrelin is produced in two parallel and independent processes; i.e. short-term and long-term; 2. Short-term dynamics (i.e. food intake related) is meal-time profile related; 3. Long-term dynamics (i.e. energy homeostasis related) is body mass profile related. Further, the zeroth law is: ghrelin rises before meals and fall off after.
Conclusion. The literature review produced three laws for ghrelin dynamics. So far, we have tested the laws in a mathematical model (set of ordinary differential equations), not included herein, and the results seem thought-provoking.
Key-words. Eating; Ghrelin; Homeostasis; Leptin; Insulin; Models; Theoretical.

Grelina como um hormônio de controle de apetite e homeostase: uma revisão para um modelo matemático

Objetivos. Este manuscrito possui como desígnios fundamentais dois pontos-chaves: 1) produzir uma mini-revisão tendenciosa ao hormônio grelina como um hormônio orexigênico; 2) propor três potencias regras para a dinâmica da grelina. Os objetivos serviram como pilares para um arquétipo matemático em construção.
Métodos. Foram empregados principalmente dois métodos: 1) pesquisa sistêmica da literatura empregando grelina, leptina e insulina como hormônios-chaves, e de forma adicional, outros como colecistocinina e glucagon; e 2) discussões em “quadro-negro” (apresentações para o grupo  de pesquisa e discussões). Depois de uma consideração cuidadosa da literatura, foram selecionados em torno de cinco artigos. A seleção usou como critérios básicos: 1) o artigo apontava algo importante para a pesquisa; 2) o artigo possui alto número de citações; o número de citações foi algo qualitativo.
Resultados. três leis foram propostas para a dinâmica intrínseca da grelina: 1. Grelina é produzida em dois processos paralelos e independentes, sendo um de longo-prazo e outro de curto-prazo; 2. A dinâmica de curto-prazo é correlacionada com os padrões de alimentações; 3. A dinâmica de longo-prazo é correlacionada com os padrões de peso. E adicionalmente uma lei básica foi proposta e chamada de lei zero.
Conclusões. Uma analise da literatura produziu três leis básicas para a dinâmica da grelina. Posto desta forma. Essas foram aplicadas em um modelo matemático não incluso neste artigo, um conjunto de equações diferenciais ordinárias, e os resultados são promissores.

Palavras-chaves. Alimentação; Grelina; homeostase; Leptina; Insulina; Modelos; Teoria.

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